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A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty

duminică, 23 mai 2010

In the year '39

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I am listening to this old Queen song and it made me realize that people are brave every single day just like sailors, sailing into the unknown!
I dosn't matter who or what you are, beacause fear is probably one of the last undiscriminating things left, and to be brave is to accept our fears, applaud them and always keeps them in mind!
Now as the song is coming to the end I leave you with this:

All your letters in the sand
Cannot heal me like your hand,
For my life
Still ahead.
Pity me.

vineri, 21 mai 2010

Sepia and happiness

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They say sepia makes people look happy but what makes them feel happy?

Behind dark windows


Have you ever wondered what is behind the dark glass on the street, have you ever wondered what stories it keeps inside so tightly that not even a glimpse of light passes?
Well I have!

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I am like a skyscraper to ants, so it's my duty to make them feel amazed